Monday, October 02, 2006

Children's Day 2006

The venue of our celebration

- St. Andrew's Cathedral

the majestic building had charmed many of us

we went to attend a fun program that had magic show and interesting game stalls

but what is most important on this day is that they are told that Jesus welcomes them to Him!


juz_slacker said...

seems like you all had really good and meaningful fun! thk God for the Gospel message that has been shared! =)

OPL said...

Yah Slac, even though it was not easy to handle the three restless kids; I am glad still that they had an opportunity to hear about Him =)

emily said...

hi peiling!
i saw those kids! they were sitting in front :D

OPL said...

Yes! And I must say, u did a good job to catch their attention too =)