Sunday, March 18, 2007

My New Nephew

He is my mum's fifth grandchild. He is only 3 months old and likes to be carried around. Even though it is a challenge for me to carry him, I still like to do so as I ilke to see him smile.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

What's the Most Important?

75 days of 2007 have passed. I found myself not really knowing what had happend during those busy days. The entry to the New Year was one that was fast and eventually led to a very hectic life.

Besides there was work, there was my course exams and most challenging of all was my new role as a wife. All are crying out for my attention at the same time. I must admit that I didn't handle each of them very well. In my helplessness, I remembered what I needed most... the time to take stock!

I need to ask what is the most important thing in life? My conclusion is RELATIONSHIP. Relationship with the One who has created me and know me the best; and the relationship with people who are dear to me.

Especially with people who are dear to me, for today I may see them around but tomorrow ... they may not be here anymore. So, I reminded myself not to live with any regrets when come to handle these delicate relationships.