Monday, August 08, 2005

A regret

Heard from mother that day (31st July) that "mei mei" has grown taller. Apprently, she was excited to see this grandchild of her growing strong and healthly. I should have rejoiced with her but had ended up feeling sad. Cos, whenever I thought of this niece of mine, I felt that I have owed her something. For, compared with her brother, she has spent so little time with her parents and us. She only gets to meet her parents once a month. And I only get to meet her once a month. Just heard that today she will be moving back to her nanny'c place... it's her third time moving again. I wonder what will be in the mind of this 3 years old girl whenever she moves from one place to another... ...

I was very happy that she has greeted me just now, "Gu Gu("auntie" in chinese)... bye bye." My heart was so warmed when I heard that.

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