Monday, September 19, 2005

The Otah man

After a hard day of work, I would usually drag my tired feet home. One day,as I walking home and in mind, I was reflecting on the day's happenings, a nice aroma brought my attention to a corner of a flat's void deck.The nice aroma came from a roll of "otahs" (curry fish cakes wrapped with banana leaves)that were being nicely arranged and put on top of a small box of charcoal box.

The one fanning them was a thin and small built-man. I have been seeing him for the last 3 weeks, standing at the same corner, selling his "otahs". Very few people buy from him.

Yet what I have learnt something from this otah man is his perseverance of earning a livelihood. Despite that life is harsh and difficult for him, he's willing to give a try. I am not sure how much he will benefit from selling the "otahs"; but that may be all he can depend on to continue life.

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